Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's Back!!!

Hi, I'm Tanya and I'm an addict. (Hi Tanya) Anyway I slip up and give in to sugar and then I am falling down that slippery slope and the climb back up is difficult. How much easier if I just keep away from the edge.

It is important for me to recognize the triggers so that I can at least feel like in my failure at least I'm learning, relearning, and then learning again and again and again. Someone called it recycling, and gee isn't it good to recycle?

Here are my triggers:

Going too long without eating and then overeating
Staying up too late and getting off schedule
Hanging out with other sugarholics
Negative thoughts-guilt, self-criticism, dwelling on frustrations
Not staying hydrated
Rationalization--just this once won't hurt
Getting within 10 miles of an ice cream store

I must remind myself once again that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Nothing tastes as good as healthy ice creeee...I mean nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

1 comment:

Linda said...

The title of your blog... is the answer. At a turtle's Pace! Amen !