Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Live what I love

I LOVE TO DANCE! This morning I put this on and danced to my heart's content. I worked up a sweat without noticing that it was exercise. The key to life is doing what I love. Listen to and follow my heart. Too bad chocolate covered cinnamon bears aren't as healthy as dancing is. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Rollercoaster Ride of Life

Image result for cannibal lagoonRiding the Cannonball ride at Lagoon for the first time was an exhilarating experience.  I have this weird tendency to a deeper meaning behind so many simple experiences. For me, lessons of life can be found everywhere.  I saw a life lesson in riding the Cannonball.

After getting aboard the coaster, it is taken up to the top of the structure and then the doors open to a high, panoramic view with no track in site. It is freaky. I have to say the only reason I could trust this roller coaster ride is because I have faith that it has been sufficiently tested and found to be safe.

Sometimes life opens up before me with that same scary view. I can't see the path before me, and I have to trust that my Heavenly Father has tested and found my path to be safe and will be with me as I take some of the twists and turns and steep declines. I can have faith that it will all work out and I can enjoy the ride. I love a good roller coaster ride, and that is definitely what I signed up for in this life.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Lord, Is it I?

Image result for is it I Lord?If I am ever having a problem in a relationship, the most important thing I can do is ask this question and then start to write in my journal. The answer comes and I get to bow before my Heavenly Father and repent and be changed by Him. 

The other thing I need to do is make sure I do is still hold the other person accountable for their part. I have found that some people can have the tendency to see my taking responsibility for my part in the difficulties in the relationship automatically absolves them of any part they played. It doesn't.

Asking that question and being receptive of the answer that reveals sin is easier to do because I know and have faith in the power of the Atonement to redeem and heal the pain. It would be difficult to be totally naked before God and be open to having mistakes revealed if I didn't have faith in His healing power. I know that lack of faith in that power makes it much more difficult to be accountable. 

I have to guard against allowing myself to be someone scapegoat. Nothing I have done wrong can ever justify what someone else has done in response. Both parties need to be accountable before God. Everyone needs faith in the Atonement. Everyone needs to go on their own journey asking, "Lord is it I?"