Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Getting the Wind Knocked Out of Me

I talked yesterday about how my lungs got a work out on the harder path hiking and then about the deep breaths of truth that that lung cleansing can make room for.

I have found that it really is on that harder path that has knocked the wind out of me that has made room for the lessons I need to learn. Because of the gift of free agency and the fact that Heavenly Father always honors my right to choose, I believe that at some deeper level that I chose some of my difficult paths because I unconsciously knew that I needed the difficulty in order to have that deep lung cleansing to make room for greater lessons and deeper truth. I believe that was what Eve did. She chose a hard path because at some deep level she knew that we would all need to go through difficulties and live outside the perfect garden. Our Heavenly Father allowed her and allows us to make those choices that will at first cause pain but ultimately, with His help to overcome, be our greatest teacher.

With this understanding, it is easier to allow others their free agency and have faith that their journey will also be just what they need. I no longer have to worry, monitor, judge, control, or try to fix. I just get to try and be a good example, pray for, and love them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog Tanya. This post in particular is just what I needed today.