Saturday, June 16, 2012

New York City Musicals

We just got back from a little trip to New York City doing one of our favorite things--going to musicals.  Here is a recap of what we saw with my amateur review.

 I can't tell you what the second half was like because we decided to leave at intermission.  I was excited to see Ricky Martin perform but the whole script was singing, which for us uncultured types, reeked a little too much of Opera.  Although I would have stayed trusting that the second half was easier to stomach, one of the other people in my entourage would have committed suicide if I forced him to endure the second half, so off we went to have dessert to salvage the evening.

I loved this musical.  The athletic dancing was incredible and the voices and acting equally phenomenal.  I thoroughly enjoyed this musical and would highly recommend it as electrifying and energetic as well as somewhat emotional entertainment.  I love it when the underdog prevails.  

I saved the best for last.  This was an incredibly funny evening and oh so entertaining.  Matthew Broderick was adorable and flawless.  This musical had it all--great scenery, costumes, dancing, voices, acting, and above all comedy.  This is a must see, especially if you like to laugh.  The script is clever and hysterical.  I would see this again.

Now you know what kind of entertainment I gravitate to.  No culture for me--just make me laugh.  

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