Friday, April 20, 2012

Date with the Library

Who knew? The day after Easter I wanted to do a Easter candy cleanse and to be able to study without meandering into the kitchen for some chow every 10 minutes, I went to my local city library. Who knew that there is this whole wall of magazines to devour. So instead of being distracted by food, I was distracted by the cover of National Review with the Salt Lake Temple with the words, "The Truth About Mormons" printed boldly in yellow below the spires. Okay, that was a nice little break from my college studying. I am going to the library more often. It is better for me to be distracted by magazine articles rather than food. Of course, only if I stay away from the gossip magazines that are just junk food for the brain. I don't want to be guilty of trading one unhealthy addiction for another. I already have enough in my collection of time wasters.

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