Saturday, April 1, 2017

Joy is the essence of success

In a world where fame and fortune are a false measure of success, I declare that joy is the essence of success. Joy comes from deep within the heart. It can't be seen or measured by outward trappings. It does, however, show up as light and love in the face of those who possess it and live with it. 

We would do our children a big favor if we teach them to always be in tune with their heart and know when they are feeling joy and knowing that joy all by itself is success. Joy doesn't necessarily come because of someone's validation of us. We can be forever seeking validation and not experience true joy. Seeking outside validation usually comes with a life filled with stress thinking joy will come after accomplishment. But joy is in the process. It is in the moment. It is in our heart and no one else can measure or validate our own joy, so tune in and tune up because Heavenly Father is the source of joy. 

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