Saturday, September 30, 2017


I have found taking care of plants and a garden has continual life lessons. This same plant that I almost gave up on is grossly out of balance. The branch that is growing higher than the others needs the new growth at the top snipped off in order to both send more growth down it's base, but also allow the other shorter branches to catch up.

It is that way with the different dimensions of our lives. If one part of us is growing faster or more than another part, we too can get out of balance and we are thrown off-kilter.

noun awryoff balanceunbalancedout of orderdisorderedconfusedmuddleddisorientedout of tuneout of whackout of stephumorous discombobulated. See also off-kilter.
For example, too much focus on just our physical appearance or even just our physical health and neglecting our intellectual growth can throw us off balance and we too will feel "confused, muddled, disoriented, out of whack." All dimensions--spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and social--need balanced growth.

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