Saturday, August 3, 2013

Serve it up

A few days before I set my intention to have a fabulous August, I had announced to my kids not to expect me to cook for the entire month because I probably wouldn't feel like it due to my hate relationship with the month of August. I would be on strike and enjoying my depression.

How good it felt with my happy new mind set to set out this spread for a Saturday brunch prior to hitting the pool. I really believe that presentation is everything. Not only for those that get to enjoy the feast, but it became more rewarding for me to make it wonderfully beautiful and inviting. I'm hungry for it all over again just looking at the picture.

We also had such a blast swimming. I stayed in the pool almost the whole time swimming around and treading water and even diving off the board a few times. With my new determination to enjoy the heat of the summer, it is certainly a blessing to have a pool, and especially to have a new pool maintenance service owned by Gabe Garn and Matt Read. Before they started taking care of it and fixing some major problems this last week, it was green most of the time and only inviting to a couple of ducks who took it over. Thank you guys (Matt and Gabe, not the ducks)!

It is so fun to have my family gather. I know I am an engaging personality and all but I realize that if I had gone the whole month without providing some sort of nourishment, they wouldn't have been motivated to come. Of course, I would have then had more reason to continuing hating August. Life can be a vicious cycle in that way.

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