Thursday, August 13, 2020


Alma 44:2 is interesting. I have had people claiming that religions are just trying to control people. They reject religions and essentially become “angry with us because of our religion,” thinking religion creates a sort of bondage. But the truth of the matter is that I practice my religion to gain more freedom. Freedom from the consequences of harmful practices. Obedience to the principles and practices taught in my religion have brought more peace and happiness into my life. The greatest pain I endure is not what religion has done to me, but watching people who deny religion and thus reject the lifestyle and ultimately put themselves in a sort of bondage. It is hard to watch the suffering. I am grateful that I truly know that breaking commandments in the short term might seem liberating and fun, but eventually will lead to a loss of freedom. And I am grateful for the foresight to know that the commandments might seem to be restrictive but ultimately create freedom and peace and happiness. (See 3 Nephi 27:11)

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