Thursday, May 27, 2010

Get up and move

The other night while I was watching American Idol, I discovered that I love to bounce on this mini trampoline that we have in our family room while I watch TV. It was one of our grandson's birthday gift and since they haven't taken it home, I have been putting it to good use. When they take it, I might have to get me one. I have been blessed/cursed with my grandmother's and mom's legacy of having a hard time sitting still. Just ask my kids, if ever we watch a TV show or movie, I am usually in and out of the room and then asking them to tell me what has happened while I was gone. Drives them nuts, but then I am really just paying them back for driving me nuts during their teenage years. I still haven't recovered my sanity. But now with the mini trampoline I can stay in the same room and I will be able to be true to my maternal heritage and still watch TV. I just did a little research and found that rebounding has some of the benefits that I am in need of--helping my lymph system and increasing alkaline while reducing acid.

"Rebounding is a affordable way of boosting your energy, getting your lymph flowing, losing weight, toning muscle, alkalising your body and getting a great, all over workout - right in your own home. The rebounder exercises are simple to follow and are a low-impact, risk free, pain free exercise that tones, builds muscle and burns fat, all while alkalising and energising your system."

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