Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Enduring to the End

I wanted to discuss each part of my morning routine. This is an actual candid shot of my oldest granddaughter, Kinzlee, reading the scriptures with her cat. Priceless.

I have to admit that when I first committed to reading the scriptures everyday years ago, I thought I was doing it to be "righteous" and that it was sort of an end in and of itself. Now I realize I need to do it to understand truth and how to align my life to that truth so that I can come to know my Heavenly Father, feel His love, and do His work. For me, when the scriptures say we must "endure to the end," it can mean even more than just enduring to the end of my life. I have come to see how scripture reading isn't the end but just the means to the most important end. Jesus Christ said that He is the beginning and the end. I feel like I am not just reading the scriptures for performance sake but so that I can come to know Christ and be more like Him. Man, I have a long, long, long ways to go!


Lisa and Doug said...

I have read them with a scripture journal and it was an amazing experience. Every day I wrote: doctrine I learned; characteristics of Christ and Heavenly Father; things that touched me. It was the most meaningful read I have ever had. I highly recommend it.

Tanya said...

That is such a good idea. Thanks for sharing.