Friday, January 1, 2010

A slow and steady start

I am keeping the commitment I made to start a self-improvement blog. In the past, when I have decided I want to do something, I have been like the hare and started to run fast and strong only to quit before the race is over. It is what I have done with New Years Resolutions. For a few weeks, I eat only vegetables and tofu, exercise throughout the day, read scriptures for hours, do my visiting teaching early in the month with a flannel board presentation, and a whole list of over-the top resolutions. But then by the third week, my diet consists of chips and donuts, I sleep on the main floor so I don't have to walk up the stairs to bed, I count driving past the house of someone I visit teach as my visit, and instead of reading scriptures, I find myself reading the farmville posts on facebook of people I don't even know. So my first self-improvement commitment is to be like the tortoise and start this blog slow and remain steady until the end.


Beth said...

I am excited to watch your journey unfold...

Lisa and Doug said...

I am looking forward to this.

Megan said...

haha, that was a good post! I especially liked the end! :) Can't wait to read your daily blog posts!