Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Great Teachers Series-Marvin J. Ashton

I happened to run across a blog that listed the author's 12 talks that changed her life. It inspired me to compile a list of my own. I know that a talk is meant for me when it pricks my soul and creates the pain of guilt but then inspires me to be and do better. You know that reading inspiring work can be traumatic to the soul.  If not for the healing power of repentance and the Atonement, I would have to avoid reading inspiring talks because I am so full of imperfection that it would just be too brutalizing and I would just have to spend my day eating chocolate.

This talk pricked my soul many years ago. It was given by this sweet man, Marvin J. Ashton and was entitled, "The Tongue Can Be a Sharp Sword." This is a talk that I need to read often as a reminder of the kind of charity I want to possess and demonstrate. I am grateful this morning that I had this reminder. It is way too easy to forget.

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